NARDI S.p.A produces highly innovative agricultural equipment according to the needs of the current market. In order to be competitive and correspond to a high quality standards, NARDI S.p.A has paid particular attention to strategies aimed at supplying products processed in compliance with customer expectations and mandatory standards, paying particular attention to the following aspects:
Identification and analysis of the context in which it operates;
Identification and analysis of the expectations of stakeholders;
Safety, health and respect for the environment;
The adoption of the quality management system UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, aimed at refining processes and operating methods and improving activities governing the exchange of information and relations with customers, clearly aimed at:
Adaptation of the organization and methods related to the development of business processes.
Targeted management of customer complaints and non-compliant products, also aimed at corrective measures and preventive actions aimed at minimizing the causes and contributing factors.
Increasing the customer base and strengthening the relationship by strengthening the current sales network.
Training personnel on product quality, work organization, oriented towards professional improvement, productivity, safety and the involvement of business processes.
Planning improvement strategies based on data generated by the system.
To this end, the Management mandates the Quality Assurance Manager to maintain an active Management System in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, providing the necessary means and resources for this purpose, and the Management also undertakes to implement the necessary measures to ensure that this policy is understood at all levels of the Company.
The general objectives of the Quality Management System of NARDI S.p.A are:
To meet the expectations of the customer and the market;
To comply with the applicable rules and standards;
To comply with the codes and laws in force;
To maintain high levels of competitiveness;
To define objectives that are consistent with the company reality and aimed at a continuous improvement of the results achieved from time to time.
The Management of NARDI S.p.A recognizes the need to demonstrate to its customers the level of quality achieved in the execution of the work entrusted to it and, as a result, sets as its first corporate objective the ability of the structure to operate with methods of Quality Assurance, applying a Management System for certified quality.
This factor is considered the primary objective (both with regard to obtaining and maintaining certification, and the continuous updating of the QMS, in case of internal changes and / or standards of reference), also as a tool for achieving the objectives listed above. Further detailed objectives, aimed at a continuous improvement of the Quality Management System, of the company and of the personnel working in it, will be established on the occasion of the Management reviews and will be reported in the Annual Improvement Plan which will be an integral part of this Policy and which will have to be shared with all the human resources involved.
All the personnel of NARDI S.p.A are responsible for the quality and implementation of the requirements of the Quality Manual, for the areas of their competence and therefore is called upon to collaborate for the application of the procedures referred to in the Manual itself and for any suggestions for improvement.
Constantly focus on providing increasingly appropriate and high quality agricultural implements!
Cut costs for farmers by meeting their needs through improved levels of equipment efficiency!
Open the way to new generations by creating new jobs and increasing their professionalism!
To have an ethical and social spirit in the search for sustainable global development
(i.e. Combat desertification in the world thanks to the patented Dolphin plough, in line with an increasing attention to environmental sustainability issues)
Nardi S.p.A

Ergon Plow
The NARDI semi-mounted reversible 'ERGON' plow, single wheel, is suited for various functions and to be equipped with various options. The plow is offered in three styles: Hydraulic In/Out of furrow, Fixed in furrow or Fixed out of furrow. The working width can be regulated mechanically in 4 separate positions or hydraulically continuously varying.
The bottoms are cylindrical or helicoidal as standard bodies. Chisel, band or plastic type bodies are supplied upon request. There is a safety device on each bottom with shear bolt type on "NON STOP" hydraulic type system.

Atlas Plow
The NARDI semi-mounted reversible 'ATLAS' plow is intended for in furrow and on land plowing. This implement is suitable for wheeled and crawler tractors with rear lifting capabilities. 3 point linkage of 3 and 4 cat.
The Atlas plow is hydraulically reversed using two hydraulic jacks. Lifting and depth control are adjusted directly from the cab or your tractor through a hydraulically controlled jac. SI series fitted with hydraulic "NON STOP" safety device.
The bottoms are cylindrical or helicoidal as standard bodies. Chisel, band or plastic type bodies are supplied upon request. There is a safety device on each bottom with shear bolt type on "NON STOP" hydraulic type system.
Please contact us if you are interested in more information!